ACM/IFIP/USENIX 10th International Middleware Conference

Urbana Champaign, Illinois, USA

November 30 - December 4, 2009

Middleware Conference

The Middleware conference is a forum for the discussion of important innovations and recent advances in the design, construction and uses of middleware. Middleware is a distributed-system software that resides between applications and underlying platforms (operating systems; databases; hardware), and/or ties together distributed applications, databases or devices. Its primary role is to coordinate and enable communication between different layers or components while isolating much of the complexity of distribution into a single, well tested and well understood system abstraction.

Following the success of the past conferences in this series in the Lake District, UK (1998), in Palisades, NY (2000), in Heidelberg, Germany (2001), in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2003), in Toronto, Canada (2004), in Grenoble, France (2005) , in Melbourne, Australia (2006), in Long Beach, California (2007), in Leuven, Belgium (2008), the 10th International Middleware Conference will be the premier event for middleware research and technology in 2009. The scope of the conference is the design, implementation, deployment, and evaluation of distributed system platforms and architectures for future computing and communication environments. Highlights of the conference will include a high quality technical program, invited speakers, an industrial track, poster and demo presentations, a doctoral symposium, and workshops.

YouTube video about the Champaign-Urbana Venue

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  • November 12: Middleware 2009 proceedings are now available online at LNCS.
  • October 21: Steve Vinoski will be delivering a keynote speech at Middleware 2009.
  • October 21: Conference program is posted.
  • October 21: A detailed social activity plan has been posted.
  • October 21: Middleware 2009 is now on Facebook and Twitter.